E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jhsp.vol.11.no1.2025.pg23.39

Implications of Congestion on Inmates in Nasarawa State Correctional Centres, Nigeria

Ndarni Godwin, Bashayi Obadiahand Obadiah Linda, Bashayi Obadiah


Congestion is a common problem that affects many countries correctional facilities. This has implications on the health and well being of Inmates and may also adversely affect public health. It is on this note that this study set out to assess the implications of congestion on inmates in Lafia correctional centre. The study population was 615 inmates and Yamane formula was applied to arrive at 86 sample size for both males and females inmates. Data were collected using primary and secondary sources such as questionnaires, observations and internet. Six structured questionnaire (6) was administered to staff of correctional facility and 86 was administered to the inmates using propulsive and simple random sampling technique respectively. The copies of the questionnaires were completed and analyzed using simple statistical method and multiple regression analysis was used to test hypothesis that relate to congestion and implications on inmates’ health”. The finding revealed that the available facilities are overstretched in Lafia correctional centre. The result of hypothesis testing revealed that there is significant relationship between correctional facility congestion and inmates’ health implications. The study recommends that government should upgrade existing buildings and improvement of correctional facilities to meet the International Minimum Standards and build more facilities to improve inmates’ health and welfare. In conclusion, government expressed only desire to transform correctional centres without political will and commitment; if necessary approaches are taken correctional centres will remain congested and make the condition of inmates’ worst rather than rehabilitation.


Correctional facilities, Physical condition; staff, Inmates, Prison.


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