E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijcsmt.v11.no1.2025.pg52.59

Exploration of Ziziphus Leaves for Production of Herbal Soap on Antimicrobial Effects for Skin Diseases and Care in Adamawa State, Nigeria

Talatu G.V. & Homa Y.


The study seeks to utilize plants leaves and formulate soap from it, using Ziziphus and white potash for skin care. Z. lotus were collected from Michika, Ganye, Yola South and Yola North local government areas of Adamawa state by prospective sample technique. The leaves extract of Ziziphus Lotus was screened for antimicrobial activity against two Gram positive bacteria (Streptococcus, Staph. aureus), two Gram negative bacteria (Esch. coli, Klebsiella) as well as two fungi namely (Asp. niger and C. albicans) using the disc diffusion method. The microbial activities were provided, that most of the extract of Z. lotus leaves exhibited inhibitory effects against most of the tested organisms with the zone of inhibition ranging from Ganye (9 to 10 mm), Michika (4- 8 mm), Yola North (4-5mm) and Yola South (10-11mm) respectively. The plant leaves Z. lotus was recommended for herbal soap production due to its microbial activities on skin diseases. The research established the formulation of herbal soap for skin protection from infection and harshness of weather among the people within the region and ascertained how herbal soap is effective on the skin. The materials and equipment used Ziziphus Lotus leaves extract, white potash, chemical SLS (nitro sol, caustic and soda ash), sieve, pot, steering stick, maul bottle, cutter, spatula and plastic cup, and plastic bucket, which will be formulated into mixture and solidified into different shapes and sizes design and package it. Then it would be ready for use. The result of the research work is expected to contribute to the health of people such as economic of the state, and new ideas for industries not only Adamawa state but, Nigeria at large. It also helps people that are reacting to the harsh weather on the skin, ageing and natural skin lightning.


Ziziphus, Soap, Plant, Antimicrobial, Organism, Spatula


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