E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jbgr.vol.11.no1.2025.pg44.93
Sogo Pere Clinton, Dr. E. Osioma
Uproot, a glyphosate - based herbicide used to control weeds in farmlands may contaminate the aquatic habitat due to leaching and could pose a great risk to non – target aquatic organism like fish. This study evaluates the genotoxicity and antioxidant defense system in the brain of Clarias gariepinus exposed to Uproot, a glyphosate – based herbicide. Twenty juvenile Clarias gariepinus were divided into four groups (n = 5), with Group A (no glyphosate exposure); Groups B, C and D (30, 50 and 70 mg/L) of glyphosate exposure. Exposure to glyphosate lasted for 14 days. Fish were dissected and brain tissue was collected and analysed for some biochemical parameters and photomicrograph examinations using standard laboratory procedures. The results indicated that the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and nitric oxide concentration were reduced (p < 0.05) in glyphosate exposed fish as compared with the control fish. A significant elevation (p < 0.05) was observed in the activities of glutathione peroxidase, acetylcholinesterase, myeloperoxidase, levels of reduced glutathione, malondialdehyde and percentage DNA fragmentation in glyphosate induced fish as compared with the control. Glyphosate exposed Clarias gariepinus had comparable (p > 0.05) concentration of thiol protein and glutathione s- transferase activity. An elevated (p < 0.05) total protein concentration was also observed in fish exposed to 50 mg/mL glyphosate as compared to the control. Histopathological examination of the brain tissues revealed degenerated neurons, altered stratum with no visible Purkinje cell nucleus in glyphosate fish as compared with the control. Together, the findings of this study showed that exposure to glyphosate impaired the activities of antioxidant enzymes and could also lead to genotoxicity. Thus, these biochemical parameters could be employed as biomarkers for environmental contamination of glyphosate herbicide.
Glyphosate, Antioxidant defense, Clarias gariepinus, DNA fragmentation, Uproot
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