E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/rjpst.vol.8.no1.2025.pg47.56
Thomas Bolou and Udensi, E. Emmanuel
This study presents two-dimensional (2D) gravity modeling of the South-South Nigeria crust to investigate its subsurface structure and tectonic stability. The study area, bounded by Latitude 6.00°E–7.00°E and Longitude 4.00°N–5.00°N, was analyzed using Bouguer gravity data to construct detailed 2D models. These models delineate the sedimentary layers, basement, and mantle boundaries, providing insights into the region's crustal structures. The 2D models reveal sedimentary thicknesses ranging from 5.20 km to 12.00 km and crustal thickness varying between 29.00 km and 40.00 km. Density contrasts between the layers were determined, with average densities of 2.54 g/cm for sediments, 2.66 g/cm for the basement, and 2.62 g/cm for the upper mantle. The results indicate that the crustal thickness in South- South Nigeria varies smoothly and is notably thinner compared to Northern Nigeria. The absence of major fault zones or tectonic boundaries suggests that the region is tectonically stable.
2-D modeling techniques, Basement depth, Conrad discontinuity and Moho
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