E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpaswr.v10.no1.2025.pg41.54
Abeeb Muhammed Abideen PhD.
Human history and society has characteristically being associated with conflicts and wars, society have often sought for ways to resolve conflicts and to cope with the after-mart of conflicts and wars, central to this is the people who were affected by the wars and conflicts, otherwise referred to as war survivals, it is important to know that conflicts or crises often take place in an environment or community, this environment or community plays key important role in the resolution of conflicts and copping with the after-mart (post-conflict) challenges and as well ensuring that society does not go back or retard back to crises or conflict but progresses and return to normalcy. This research work assesses the response of people in the Boko-Haram insurgent affected society, especially their preparedness in sustaining peace, preventing retard back to crises and copping with the challenges brought about by conflicts and war. Survey method is employed in collection and gathering of data from the field through the instrumentality of questionnaire and interview from respondents in the research area and will be analyze using simple percentage, tables and explanation, it is the belief of the researcher that for sustainable peace and stability to be achieve in insurgent affected post conflict societies the people (community) must be involve in all the program, policies and efforts, from the initiation to implementation, their inputs and participation is not only important and necessary but sine-quanoon to the achievement of a peaceful virile and prosperous society where peace and stability can once again flourish and growth and development achieved.
Assessing, Community, Response, Stabilization, Process, Insurgent, Boko-Haram.
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