E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpaswr.v10.no1.2025.pg15.27

Prophetic Leadership as A Contextual Strategy for Transformational Change in Educational Administration

Prof. Helen Olomu Ishola-Esan, Oladele Olubukola Olabode, PhD.


Prophetic Leadership serves as a transformative force in educational settings, reshaping administration to meet the dynamic needs of students and communities. This leadership approach, rooted in vision and ethical values, emphasizes justice, equity, and systemic change, transcending traditional managerial roles. Prophetic Leadership challenges established norms, advocates for marginalized groups, and fosters environments prioritizing inclusivity and social justice. It empowers educators and administrators to confront deep-seated inequalities, address socio- political issues, and reimagine education through values-driven action. Through a qualitative approach, the study explores the strategic application of prophetic Leadership to drive transformational change in educational administration. It explores the concepts of prophetic Leadership, transformational change in educational administration and contextualizing educational administration. It looks into unique challenges and opportunities for prophetic Leadership in educational administration, develops strategies for it, and suggests ways of sustaining it, including challenges, opportunities, and strategy, while offering recommendations for sustaining its impact. This leadership model influences policies, builds strong community relationships, and creates a shared responsibility and accountability culture. Prophetic Leadership paves the way for an inclusive, ethical, and sustainable educational system by fostering critical thinking and participatory decision-making.


Prophetic Leadership, Strategy, Transformational Change and Educational


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