E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjfsqc.v10.no6.2024.pg119.126

Physical properties and Sensory acceptability of dark chocolate from Allanblackia floribunda fat as substitute for cocoa butter

Chukwu, Susan Philbianna , Obinna-Echem P C , Okwechime, Uzodinma Justice Ajogun, O.Chinedu1 Salomi, Onoriode Odehowho , Amewhule, Esther Oroma


The study investigated the physical properties and sensory acceptability of dark chocolate prepared using Allanblackia floribunda fat as an alternative to cocoa butter (CB). Dark chocolate was made by full replacement (100%) of cocoa butter with Allanblackia floribunda fat while other ingredients were kept constant. Four physical properties including moisture content, melting point, hardness and particle size were evaluated by standard methods. Sensory attributes in terms of appearance, texture, flavor, taste, quick melting and overall acceptability were analyzed by hedonic rating scale. Assessors were mostly elderly persons. Results showed that moisture content and melting point varied between 0.42 and 0.85 % and 34 and 38 ? in chocolate made from Allanblackia floribunda fat and cocoa butter, respectively. There were significant difference (p <0.05) in hardness (10.26 and 8.98 N/mm2) of chocolate from Allanblackia floribunda fat and cocoa butter, respectively. For sensory attributes; appearance, texture, flavor, taste and quick melting the data illustrates that the hedonic rates were between like moderately and like very much for chocolate from Allanblackia floribunda fat and the control after 60 days of storage. Overall acceptability of the sample and control after 60 day storage were like moderately and like slightly, respectively. Nevertheless, both samples were accepted. Chocolate from Allanblackia fat can withstand hot climates and will not melt in a warm shop due to its high solid fat content. Allanblackia fat is an unpopular and unexploited commodity in Nigeria. Findings from this study show that A. floribunda fat can be a suitable substitute for cocoa butter in dark chocolate production.


Allanblackia floribunda fat, cocoa butter, physical properties, Sensory attributes


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