E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpslr.v11.no1.2025.pg43.51

Leadership Resurgence: Navigating The Dynamics Of Revitalization In Catastrophic Situations

Prof. Helen Olomu Ishola-Esan


Leadership resurgence is a critical framework for guiding communities and organizations through revitalization during catastrophic situations such as natural disasters, social upheaval, or institutional crises. Effective leadership in these high-stakes contexts demands resilience, adaptability, and a clear vision to restore stability and inspire recovery. Leaders must navigate rapidly evolving circumstances, make decisive choices, and mobilize resources to address immediate needs and ensure long-term restoration. Revitalization in the wake of catastrophe requires leaders to tackle multifaceted challenges, including rebuilding trust, addressing systemic vulnerabilities, and fostering collaboration across diverse stakeholders. Leadership resurgence emphasizes adaptive strategies prioritizing inclusivity, empathy, and transparent communication. Leaders in such situations must act as symbols of hope and stability, utilizing emotional intelligence alongside strategic thinking to inspire collective action. Through a qualitative approach, the article explores the concept of Leadership Resurgence in Catastrophic Situations, analyses the dynamics of catastrophic situations, discusses the strategies for revitalizing leadership in Catastrophic Situations, Navigates the Challenges of Revitalization, highlights the Strategies for Overcoming Challenges of Leadership Revitalization, and discuss the Strategies for Sustaining Leadership Resurgence. Though laden with challenges, crises also present opportunities for transformation, allowing leaders to reimagine structures and processes that foster resilience and sustainability.


Leadership Resurgence, Revitalization and Catastrophic Situations


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