E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/
Kabir Mohammed Ph.D, Usman Mu’azu Alhassan Ph.D,
This scholarly work thoroughly examined some major aspects associated with the studied subject matter, fully explored, conducted and entitled: “Exploration As Construction: An Analysis of the Role and Impact of African Political Thought on Some Colonized African States and Societies”. As the title obviously appears it impliedly means an intellectual endeavor to explore, and Historically re-construct some of the major findings of the research results for the attainment of a balanced study. In the course of conducting the study both published and unpublished sources were interacted with for the collection of concrete, reliable and genuine data for a proper historical re-construction. The Study Strongly argues that the positive role and impact of both African Political Thought, Pan-Africanism, Nationalism and African Marxism’s (Radicalism) against colonial and Apartheid regimes on colonized African continent could not be left unstudied. The constructive efforts explored under the studied subject matter were partly responsible for the declaration of political independence of African states. Similarly, of equal importance and relevance is the exploration of the fact that the tremendous contributions of the founding fathers of African Political Thought or Statesmen such as Kwame Nkurumah of Ghana, Jomo Kenya of Kenya, Nmandi Azikwe, Tafawa Balewa and Sir, Ahmadu Bello Sardauna of Sokoto of Nigerian state, could not only be regarded as a life-long achievements but equally commendable, memorable and historic. Further to the above, African Political Thought is what largely led to the evolution of African political culture and had also generated an idea for the democratization of African States in accordance with periods and interests. The study further argues that despite the attainment of the Political Independence of African States still, there are a multitude number of exploitations in existence among others include; underdevelopmen
Exploration, Construction, Analysis, Role, Impact, Political, Thought, African,
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