E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jbgr.vol.11.no1.2025.pg1.18

Diets of Macrobrachium species in Lower Orashi River, Niger Delta, Nigeria: Implication for Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Shrimp Fisheries

Lazarus, O.T., Amachree, D. and Wala, C.


Food and feeding habits are crucial tools for stock management and play a significant role in investigating trophic relationships within aquatic communities. The diets of three Macrobrachium species: Macrobrachium felicinum, Macrobrachium macrobrachion, and Macrobrachium vollenhovenii in the Lower Orashi River were studied over 12 months (December 2019–November 2020) using the frequency of occurrence and numerical methods. The results indicated that a total of 880 food items were observed in the guts of M. vollenhovenii. Out of which, Chlorophyta (n=339; 38.53%) was the highest and the least was Chrysophyta (n=3; 0.34%) In the Chlorophyta category, Chlorella vulgaris (n=135; 15.34%) contributed the highest. The frequency of occurrence method indicated Cyanophyta (n=31; 31.31%) as the most frequently occurred category of food item. Six hundred and ninety-seven (697) food items were found in the guts of M. felicinum with Bacillariophyta (n=400; 57.38%) recorded as the highest number of food items and the least was Crustaceans (n=6; 0.86%) Dinophyta, Charophyta and Rhodophyta were absent in the gut content. In Bacillariophyta category, Melosira varians contributed highest (n=240; 34.43%). Likewise, the frequency of occurrence method indicated Bacillariophyta (n=38; 38.77%) as the most frequently occurring food for M. felicinum. A total of 1006 food items was found in the guts of M. macrobrachion, with the highest number of food item recorded as Bacillariophyta (n=366; 36.40%) and least was Crustaceans (n=3; 0.30%). Chrysophyta, Insects, Charophyta, and Rhodophyta were absent in the gut. In Bacillariophyta category, Melosira varians contributed highest (n=223; 22.17%). For the frequency of occurrence, Chlorophyta (n=33; 33.66%) recorded the highest frequency of occurrence and least was Crustaceans (n=1; 1.02%). In conclusion, all three species of Macrobrachium from the Lower Orashi River are opportunistic omnivore feeder p


Food and feeding habits, Gut Content, M. vollenhovenii, Shrimp, M. macrobrachion,


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