IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )
E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijebm.vol.11.no1.2025.pg48.75
Benjamin Olusola Abere and Imran Enike Abu
This work looked into the Effects of Price, Taste, and Close Substitute Goods on Consumption Pattern of Staff and Students of Edo State University, Uzairue. The methodology adopted was the use of primary data collected through questionnaires from staff and students of Edo State University. Data was analysed using logit regression model, to examine the relationship between the consumption pattern and its economic implication on staff and students in terms of price, taste and availability of substitute goods for such consumption. The research revealed that the student are affected more than the staff in term of pattern of purchases and taste within the university than staff, hence, they prefer to shop or eat from outside rather than inside the university. Both, Staff and students of Edo state university Uzairue, has almost similar complain and agreement they both have issue with the type of commodity sold in the school and also, they both have same income complain about insufficient income and allowances. Nevertheless this does not stop them from consuming the commodities available. This work therefore recommend based on our findings that Price policies should be reviewed by the school and strictly adhere to, so that the vulnerable and the poor can benefit from it. Government should increase the salaries of workers in this harsh economy so that parents will have more to give to their wards. The university should also ensure that the goods sold in the university are of good quality, to prevent the complain of poor taste of goods.
Price, Taste, Close Substitute. Consumption Pattern, Income.
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