E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjfsqc.v10.no6.2024.pg127.139

Effect of processing methods on the proximate composition, minerals, anti-nutrient, in-vitro protein digestibility and protein fractions of Melon seed (Citrullus lanatus)

Anumba, N.L and Wabali, V.C


Processing treatments are considered an effective way of enhancing nutritional quality through mineral availability, protein digestion and anti-nutrient reduction. This study seeks to examine the effect of processing methods on the nutritional quality, protein fraction and digestibility as well as mineral content and anti-nutrient values. Matured, harvested and defatted melon seeds were subjected to varying processing treatments viz MD: Melon defatted (control); MDS: Melon defatted soaked; MDB: Melon defatted Boiled; MDSB: Melon defatted soaked boiled (boiled for 15mins); MDSBB: Melon defatted soaked boiled (boiled for 30mins). Results showed that processing methods (soaking and boiling) revealed a decreased effect on some minerals such as calcium, iron and sodium. The decreasing effect was noticed more when boiled for 15 and 30 minutes respectively. Protein fraction evaluation showed that glutenin, globulin and total extractable protein were significantly higher in MDS samples with values of 19.57, 22.06 and 48.31 respectively. The anti-nutrient results showed that the control sample MD had a higher significantly tannin content of1.31mg/g than other samples. Invitro protein digestibility values revealed that the processing methods had no effect on protein digestibility of defatted melon seed


In-vitro protein digestibility, Melon seed, Processing methods


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