E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpslr.v11.no1.2025.pg29.42

An Assessment of Local Government Councils on the Regulation of Outdoor Advertisement in Kogi State

Lawal Kehinde Oluwapelumi, Amana, Isaac Akogwu Akowe, Joel PhD Omejeh, Timothy Enejoh


Advertisement no doubt, plays a significant role in bridging the gap between the producers and consumers of goods and services and thus, represents a fundamental linking pin among layers of critical players and stakeholders in any given competitive market economy. However, like every element of an organized market system, its practice is expected to conform to the larger expectation of maintaining minimum standards, decency and orderliness necessary for the realization of public safety and environmental stability which makes its effective regulation very crucial. Like most cities in Nigeria, indiscriminate display of billboards, posters as well as the blaring of horn speakers of different shapes and sizes in towns and cities in Kogi state is increasingly becoming worrisome. They have altered, not just the aesthetic balance but also the appeal of these fast growing towns and cities thereby generating the question of existence or otherwise of an effective regulatory instrument or institutional framework for the management of outdoor advertising in Kogi State. Ostensibly, this study observed a surfeit of structural codes and conventions sharing in this assignment of outdoor advertisement regulation by local government councils in Kogi State, Nigeria. In a contradiction of some sort, while the volume of outdoor advertisement practices and the regulatory framework is on the increase, the level of effectiveness of outdoor advertisement regulation, especially decent activities is on the decline. In addition, there is the need to interrogate the extent to which the Local Governments in the state have demonstrated their capabilities of handling this responsibility. In answering these questions, this study assessed the role of local government councils in the regulation of outdoor advertising in Kogi State, Nigeria. Using a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, interviews, and data analysis, this research indicates that there is an


Local Government Councils, Outdoor Advertisement, Advertisement Regulation,


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