E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/

An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Agency in the Enforcement of Consumer Rights in Kogi State

Akoh Ojonugwa PhD, Akowe, Joel PhD, Omejeh, Timothy Enejoh


This research examines how effectively the Consumer Protection Agency in Kogi State, Nigeria enforces consumer rights. It looks into the agency's organizational structure, legal basis, operational capabilities, and its ability to handle the growing volume of consumer complaints while encouraging fair trade practices. The study utilizes a mixed-methods design, featuring consumer surveys and interviews with agency officials to evaluate public awareness, satisfaction levels, and the challenges encountered by both consumers and enforcement agents. The main findings indicate different levels of consumer trust in the agency's ability to respond, highlighting significant deficiencies in outreach and enforcement strategies, especially in rural regions. Factors like insufficient funding, a lack of personnel, and bureaucratic obstacles hinder the agency from reaching its full effectiveness. The research emphasizes the necessity for greater collaboration with various regulatory agencies, elevated public awareness initiatives, and enhanced legal support to establish more effective consumer protection. Suggestions include augmented government assistance, skill development, and the implementation of digital systems to simplify complaint resolution processes. This study highlights the essential importance of a strong consumer protection framework in building trust and promoting fair market practices, which in turn enhances consumer welfare and drives economic growth in Kogi State.


Consumer Protection, Enforcement, Consumer Rights, Effectiveness.


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