E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jhsp.v10.no6.2024.pg161.175

The Role of Civic Education in Promoting Political Stability among Riverine and Upland Women Dwellers in Rivers State, Nigeria

AMACHREE, Telema & NWEKE, Dorathy Chikaodi


This study investigates the implementation and effectiveness of civic education among women in Riverine and Upland communities in Rivers State. The research evaluates the current state of civic education, the impacts of political awareness, participation, identifies common challenges in its execution and recommendation to enhance the effectiveness of civic education in promoting political stability among Riverine and Upland women dwellers in Rivers State. The study adopts the descriptive survey design. Also, the population for this study comprises of 25,115 women within 18-49 years who voting age in Rivers State. The sample size for this study is 394. the Taro Yemen method was used in deriving ways in arriving at the sample figure of 394, comprises of 175 Riverine women, and 219 Upland women Dwellers. Using descriptive and Z-test analysis, the study finds that women from both geographical areas perceive and experience civic education similarly. There is no significant difference in the implementation, effectiveness, or impact of civic education between Riverine and Upland women. Civic education is shown to uniformly enhance political awareness and participation across both regions, suggesting that a standardized approach to program design and implementation is effective. Despite shared challenges, such as limited resources, infrastructure issues, and cultural barriers, the strategies recommended for improving civic education’s effectiveness in promoting political stability are consistent across both communities. These findings align with existing literature on the broad impact of civic education and underscore the need for continued research to address specific local factors influencing its effectiveness.


Civic Education, Political Stability, Riverine/Upland Women & Dwellers


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