International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )

E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 10 NO. 11 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.v10.no11.2024.pg108.129

The Impact of Solar Energy-Based Distributed Generation on Nigeria's Power Distribution Grid: An Analysis of the 11KV/415V Distribution System

Inyama Kelechi, Uchegbu Chinenye Eberechi


Integrating distributed generation (DG) into electrical power systems can significantly enhance system performance by reducing wattage losses, improving voltage profiles, and boosting power quality, thereby cutting down the need for substantial transmission and distribution investments. This study analyzes the 11/415 kV Distribution Network of the World Bank in Aba, Nigeria, using ETAP 16.0 software. By comparing scenarios with and without DG, the study found that DG integration at specific buses improves bus voltages and optimizes power distribution, highlighting the practical benefits of DG in stabilizing and enhancing Nigeria's power distribution system. It also highlighted some drawbacks that comes with DG integration in single buses.


Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar PV, DG Integration, ETAP.


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