E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jhsp.v10.no6.2024.pg109.134

Secondary Traumatic Stress and Psychosocial Wellbeing Among Humanitarian Health Workers in Northwestern Nigeria: The Moderating Role of Interpersonal Resilience

Abraham Tersugh Kwaghgbah, Samuel Terzungwe Anhange (Ph.D) and Joyce Mcivir Terwase (Ph.D)


This study investigated the moderating role of interpersonal resilience between secondary traumatic stress and psychosocial wellbeing among humanitarian health workers in Northwestern Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey design was adopted using a sample of 344 humanitarian health workers. They comprised 208 (60.5%) males and 136 (39.5%) females. Their ages ranged from 25-61years with a mean age of 39.29years and standard deviation of 10.83years. The sample for the study was drawn using Multistage sampling technique where census, purposive, proportionate and simple random sampling were used in stages. Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale, Interpersonal Resilience Inventory and the Copenhagen Psychosocial Wellbeing Scale were used for data collection. The four hypotheses postulated were tested using Hayes Process Macro Moderation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results indicated that, secondary traumatic stress negatively influenced psychosocial wellbeing among humanitarian health workers. The result further showed that intrusions, avoidance and arousal independently and inversely predicted psychosocial wellbeing. The result also indicated that, interpersonal resilience positively influenced psychosocial wellbeing among humanitarian health workers. The result further showed that, positive interaction had a positive independent influence on psychosocial wellbeing while negative interactions had an inverse independent influence on psychosocial wellbeing. It was also found that interpersonal resilience significantly moderated the relationship between secondary traumatic stress and psychosocial wellbeing among humanitarian health workers. Lastly, secondary traumatic stress and interpersonal resilience jointly influenced psychosocial wellbeing among humanitarian health workers. It was recommended that non-governmental organizations providing health services to trauma survivors with the support of doctors, nurses, psychologists,


Secondary traumatic stress, interpersonal resilience, psychosocial wellbeing


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Conference paper presented at the Nigerian Association of Clinical Psychologists

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