International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )
E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 10 NO. 11 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.v10.no11.2024.pg1.13
Shell, P. F., Braide, S.L & Amadi, H.N.
This study conducted load flow analysis of 11kV distribution network of Rumuomoi, Rivers state, Nigeria, with aim of enhancing power supply by the network through reactive power compensation. The simulation is carried out using Newton Raphson method embedded in ETAP software. It is achieved by running a load flow of the existing 11KV distribution network, determining the losses from the load flow. Minimizing the determined losses in 11/0.415KV power distribution network by incorporating a PSO optimized STATCOM in the bus with maximum stability index in the network. Then, validating the percentage of loss reduction, and enhanced voltage profile in the distribution network with and without the inclusion of an optimized STATCOM. The result obtained shows that out of the twelve (12) load buses in the existing network ,three(3) were critically loaded, one(1) was marginally loaded and the remaining eight(8) buses were in good loading conditions. The total real and reactive power losses is 106.024kW and 161.58kVar respectively. But when an optimized STATCOM (320MVar) placed at bus (6) is penetrated into the network, the result shows that all the buses in the network are all in normal operating conditions. The total real and reactive power losses is 19.78KW and 30.98KVar respectively. There is 81% reduction in both real and reactive power losses .In addition when STATCOM is penetrated, all the transformers maintain good loading conditions and voltage profile of all the buses fall within +5% variation as stipulated by IEEE.
Newton Raphson, ETAP, STATCOM, Real Power, Reactive Power, Voltage Profile
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