International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES )
E- ISSN 2489-0081
P- ISSN 2695-1894
VOL. 10 NO. 10 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijaes.v10.no10.2024.pg203.220
Okon, U. M., Akpan, U. S., Udoh, B. T., Obi, J. C.
Lack of pedological information to guide plantation establishment and management has been a mitigating factor to optimum oil palm production. A land suitability evaluation was carried out on selected soils for their suitability for oil palm cultivation in Akwa Ibom State. Based on parent material, topography and drainage, four soil units were selected for the study. At representative locations, a total of fifteen (15) profile pits were dug in each soil units and described based on FAO (2006) guidelines for profile description. Soil samples were collected based on genetic horizons for laboratory analysis. The four soil units are thus represented – Onna (Beach ridge sands), Ini (River Alluvium), Uyo (Coastal plain sand) and Ibiono Ibom (Sandstone/Shale). Results from the study revealed that climate, soil physical characteristics, topography and wetness were not constraints to oil palm cultivation. Fertility (low CEC) was detected as a major constraint in Onna and Uyo Soil Units and was currently not suitable (N1). Based on the suitability classes of these soil units derived from dissimilar parent materials. Appropriate site-specific soil fertility management approach is required to boost oil palm yields especially with special regards to low CEC improvement through organic manure (poultry, goat and cow dung), compost, vermicompost, crop residues, biomass and biochar should be incorporated into soils, regular soil tests should be conducted as well as suitability evaluation to ascertain the productivity status of soils for oil palm cultivation for food security and the environment.
Food security, land suitability evaluation, oil palm
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