E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 9 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jpaswr.v9.no4.2024.pg99.126
HART, Perewari Ngo, Egbuchu, Samuel, Aleruchi (Ph.D)
This study examined the impact of Domestic Violence on the Psychological Well-being of Pregnant Women in Port Harcourt Local Government Area, Rivers State. The major aim was to examine the impact of domestic violence on the psychological well-being of pregnant women while the specific objectives was to examine the impact of sexual violence, physical violence, emotional violence, economic violence and verbal abuse on the psychological well-being of pregnant women. The population of the study was 2000 pregnant women in St. Patrick hospital, Save a Life hospital and University of Port Harcourt Teaching hospital with a sample size of 333 using Taro Yane sampling methods. Simple percentages, frequency tables and mean were used as data analysis techniques. The study found that domestic violence has negative impact on psychological wellbeing of pregnant women. From the findings, the study concludes that there was significant relationship between domestic violence and the Psychological well-being of pregnant women in Port Harcourt Rivers State. We recommend that leaders should endeavour to preach the dangers of engaging in domestic violence on pregnant women. Non- Governmental agencies initiated towards protecting the rights of women, their psychological well-being and their children should pay particular attention to women in Port Harcourt as the findings for this study shows a high prevalence of domestic violence on pregnant women, yet help centers are not satisfactory enough to provide mental help and support and justice for the women who are bold enough to speak up and law enforcement agencies should endeavor to treat cases of domestic violence with all seriousness and not overlook it as a family matter which is one of the most used terms whenever a case of dispute is brought to the station.
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