E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 9 NO. 9 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijefm.v9.no9.2024.pg32.42

Bank Intermediation and Economic Performance in Nigeria

Oyakegha Ekiyeghazi Samuel & Andabai Priye Werigbelegha Ph.D


The research analyzes the impact of bank intermediation and economic performance in Nigeria for a period of 56 data point (quarterly) from 2009 to 2022 and attempt to fill the missing gap and to make a contribution to knowledge. The empirical investigation was ascertained through the adoption of the descriptive statistics, unit root test, ARDL bound test and ARDL Long run test. The descriptive statistic shows that both the dependent and the independent variables are normally distributed from the Jarque-Bera Probability value of 5% level of significant. The unit root report indicates that the series are integrated at order one I(1) and I(0), while the ARDL Bounds Test result for cointegration demonstrated a long run impact among the variables. The ARDL estimates of the long run regression further report that bank intermediation is an important component that determines the economic performance in a country, that there is a positive significant impact between bank intermediation and economic performance in Nigeria. The Study therefore recommends that the financial system should completely understand bank intermediation and make its application to positively affect the economy and the needs to stimulate economic growth and development by using viable policies and incentives to promote private sector credit.


Bank Intermediation, Economic Performance, ARDL Bound Test, Jarque-Bera


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