IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 10 NO. 11 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijebm.v10.no11.2024.pg1.15

Assessment of Organizational Justice Practices and Employees’ Commitment of Civil Service Commission in South-South, Nigeria

Johnson, Etimfon Edet, Prof. Gideon A. Emerole, Okebaram, Sunday Moses (Ph.D)


This study assessed organizational justice practices and employees’ commitment of Civil Service Commission in South-South, Nigeria. The specific objectives include; to establish the effect of distributive justice on employees’ turnover intention, evaluate the effect of procedural justice on employees’ job satisfaction, and explore the relationship between organizational justice and employees’ performance of Civil Service Commission in South-South, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted and primary data was mainly used to obtain data based on the opinion of the respondents and backed up by reviews of information from secondary sources for validation. The target population of the study was one thousand, six hundred and fifty three (1,653) obtained from the six (6) selected Civil Service Commission in South-South States in Nigeria. The sample size of four hundred and forty one (441) respondents was derived from Bill Godden (2004) formula at 5% error tolerance and 95% level of confidence. A total of four hundred and forty one (441) copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the selected Civil Service Commission in South-South, Nigeria. Out of this number, one hundred and four (104) copies of questionnaire were not retrieved or wrongly filled with percentage ratio of 23.6% while three hundred and thirty seven (337) copies of questionnaire were correctly filled and returned with percentage ratio of 76.4% and this formed the basis of the study. To test the hypotheses of this study, the study adopted simple regression model and Pearson Correlation Coefficient statistical tools of SPSS Version 23.0. From the result of the analyses, it was showed that distributive justice has a positive significant effect on employees’ turnover intention of Civil Service Commission in South-South, Nigeria, procedural justice has a positive significant effect on employees’ job satisfaction of Civil Service Commission in South-South, Nigeria and


Organizational Justice, Employee Commitment, Distributive Justice, Procedural


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