E-ISSN 2504-4766
P-ISSN 2682-5910
VOL. 8 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/wjimt.v8.no5.2024.pg95.112

Entrepreneurial Art and Innovation: the wealth Creation Potentials of Performing Art for National Economic Development

IYAMAH, Chijioke Yankson (Ph.D.), CHUKWUKA, Ernest Jebolise (Ph.D.)


This research paper is an empirical investigation into an emerging area of study. The goal is to ascertain and determine the wealth creation potentials of performing and visual arts to national economic development. This paper adopted a descriptive survey design which is an empirical approach. The population of the study consists of 68 performing Art professionals which include Nollywood actors, Musical artistes, dancers, painters, sculptors and other related performing and visual artists in Asaba, Delta State Nigeria. This paper concludes that there is a significant connection between Entrepreneurial Art (Performing and visual arts) and Wealth creation and National Economic Development. The study confirmed that Entrepreneurial Art is a viable business in Nigeria based on the study empirical analysis. This paper discovered that there is Global acceptance of Nigerian Performing Art products and Services which led to National Economic Development through the increase in export. The study also confirmed that the high demand for the Performing and Visual Art entertainment products will lead to increased market share and profitability. The study also found that the performing and visual arts also enhance visual abilities, foster problem-solving, foster collaboration and team building, and may even assist raise standardized test scores—all of which are essential components of a self-sufficient and productive workforce. Therefore, funding the performing and visual arts might be one of the most creative workforce development strategies available to Nigerian governments. Every year, public interest in the performing arts has grown to the point that they now attract more people than athletic events and movie theaters, which were formerly considered to be impossible


Entrepreneurial Art and Innovation, Wealth Creation, Performing Art, Visual Art, National Economic Development


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