E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2024
DOI: 10.56201/JPASWR.v9.no2.2024.pg49.63

Public Enterprise as a Veritable Instrument for Economic and Infrastructural Development: “A Public Administrationist Perspective”

FREGENE, Freeman and OKEREKA, Onofere Princewill Ph.D


Public enterprises were created to accomplish a variety of economic and infrastructural development goals, such as generating income, raising living standards, creating jobs, developing infrastructure, and allocating resources fairly. In order to achieve this lofty objective, three research hypotheses were tested to determine the degree of freedom and significant relationship between variables. Data from the research instrument were analyzed quantitatively with the help of Parson Product Correlation Movement (PPCM). Based on the investigation, it was found that public enterprise and its effects on Delta State's infrastructure and economic development are significantly correlated. The report suggested, among other things, that public business like Delta Transportation, Broadcasting and Electricity corporations should maximized their revenue generation base so as to generate enough money to address other critical infrastructures in the state


Public Enterprise, Economic, Infrastructural Development, Revenue Generation, Job


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