E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no5.2024.pg156.168

Theoretical And Conceptual Review: An Essential Part of Social and Management Sciences Research Process

EFUNTADE, Alani Olusegun, Ph.D., FCIB, FCA, EFUNTADE, Olubunmi Omotayo, Ph.D, SOLANKE, Festus Taiwo, ACA, Ph.D and OLUGBAMIYE, Dominic Olorunleke, Ph.D


This study employed a comprehensive literature review to identify existing articles that address theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Articles were sourced from reputable academic databases such as Google Scholar,, ResearchGate, among others. This approach involves summarizing and synthesizing existing literature in a narrative format. The study provides a descriptive overview of key concepts, findings, and debates within the field. The research paper provides a broad overview of a topic or to explore emerging trends and debates. The implications of not using conceptual reviews and theoretical reviews in social sciences and management sciences research extend beyond individual research studies to impact the credibility, relevance, and ethical integrity of research findings, as well as the advancement of knowledge and professional development within the field. By prioritizing conceptual and theoretical grounding in their research processes, researchers can enhance the quality, impact, and relevance of their work, contributing to a deeper understanding of social and organizational phenomena and informing evidence-based decision-making and practice.


Conceptual Research, Literature Review, Research Process, Theoretical Research,


can influence the selection and interpretation of concepts, potentially limiting the scope or validity
of the conceptual framework (Varpio et al., 2020).
Integrating theoretical and conceptual reviews promotes theory-driven research approaches, where
hypotheses and research questions are grounded in established theories and conceptual
frameworks. This enhances the rigor and validity of research findings by ensuring theoretical
coherence and alignment with existing knowledge. By integrating theories from multiple
disciplines, researchers can gain interdisciplinary insights into social and management phenomena.
This interdisciplinary perspective facilitates a holistic understanding of complex phenomena,
enriching theoretical discourse and informing practical applications.
The integration of theoretical and conceptual reviews enhances the practical relevance of research
in social and management sciences by bridging the gap between theory and practice. By
elucidating the underlying mechanisms and dynamics of social and organizational phenomena,
research findings can inform evidence-based decision-making and managerial practices.
Integrating theoretical and conceptual reviews in the research process of social and management
sciences offers a robust foundation for theory-driven inquiry, interdisciplinary synthesis, and
practical application, thereby advancing knowledge and facilitating informed decision-making
(Hughes et al., 2019).
In social and management sciences, theoretical reviews play a crucial role in providing researchers
with a comprehensive understanding of the existing knowledge landscape. By synthesizing various
theories and frameworks relevant to the research topic, theoretical reviews offer insights into the
underlying principles, concepts, and debates shaping the field. For example, in social sciences,
integrating theories such as social identity theory and symbolic interactionism can provide
researchers with a nuanced understanding of group dynamics, intergroup relations, and identity
formation processes.
Theoretical reviews guide hypothesis formulation by identifying key concepts, variables, and
relationships derived from established theories. By drawing on theories from different
perspectives, researchers can develop more comprehensive hypotheses that account for multiple
dimensions of the phenomenon under study (Varpio et al., 2020). For instance, in management
sciences, integrating theories such as contingency theory and resource-based view can inform
hypotheses about the relationship between environmental uncertainty, organizational capabilities,
and firm performance.
Conceptual reviews complement theoretical reviews by providing a conceptual framework for
organizing and structuring the research. Conceptual models derived from the literature help
researchers visualize the relationships between variables and develop a roadmap for data collection
and analysis. For example, drawing on concepts such as stakeholder theory and agency theory,
researchers can construct conceptual models that elucidate the dynamics of organizational
behavior, decision-making processes, and stakeholder interactions (Hughes et al., 2019).
While theoretical and conceptual reviews provide a solid foundation for research, there is a risk of
overlooking novelty or emergent phenomena by focusing exclusively on existing theories and
frameworks. To address this limitation, researchers should remain open to exploring new ideas
and alternative perspectives that may challenge or extend existing knowledge. Theoretical reviews
often involve synthesizing a diverse array of theories and perspectives, which can result in
fragmentation or conflicting interpretations. Integrating multiple theories may lead to conceptual
ambiguity or theoretical inconsistencies if not carefully reconciled. Researchers should strive to
reconcile divergent theories and identify commonalities to develop a coherent theoretical
framework that integrates diverse perspectives (Leshem & Trafford, 2007; Miles et al., 2014).
Conceptual reviews are subject to researchers' interpretation and judgment, which may introduce
bias or oversimplify complex phenomena (Peshkin, 1993). Researchers' preconceptions and
theoretical preferences can influence the selection and interpretation of concepts, potentially
limiting the scope or validity of the conceptual framework. To mitigate conceptual bias,
researchers should adopt a critical and reflexive approach, acknowledging their own biases and
striving for balance and inclusivity in the conceptualization process. By integrating theories from
multiple disciplines, researchers can gain interdisciplinary insights into social and management
phenomena. This interdisciplinary perspective facilitates a holistic understanding of complex
phenomena, enriching theoretical discourse and informing practical applications. For example,
integrating theories from psychology, sociology, economics, and organizational behavior can
provide a more comprehensive understanding of individual and organizational behavior in social
and management contexts.
The integration of theoretical and conceptual reviews enhances the practical relevance of research
in social and management sciences by bridging the gap between theory and practice (Varpio et al.,
2020). By elucidating the underlying mechanisms and dynamics of social and organizational
phenomena, research findings can inform evidence-based decision-making and managerial
practices. For example, theoretical insights into leadership styles and organizational culture can
inform strategies for enhancing employee motivation, engagement, and performance in
organizational settings. Integrating theoretical and conceptual reviews in the research process of
social and management sciences offers a robust foundation for theory-driven inquiry,
interdisciplinary synthesis, and practical application, thereby advancing knowledge and
facilitating informed decision-making (Yamauchi et al., 2017).
Summary, conclusion and recommendations
In summary, theoretical and conceptual research, as well as theoretical and conceptual
frameworks, provide the theoretical foundations, conceptual clarity, and analytical tools necessary
for advancing knowledge and understanding in social sciences, management sciences, business,
and finance, ultimately contributing to evidence-based decision-making, policy formulation, and
organizational effectiveness.
The implications of not using conceptual reviews and theoretical reviews in social sciences and
management sciences research extend beyond individual research studies to impact the credibility,
relevance, and ethical integrity of research findings, as well as the advancement of knowledge and
professional development within the field. By prioritizing conceptual and theoretical grounding in
their research processes, researchers can enhance the quality, impact, and relevance of their work,
contributing to a deeper understanding of social and organizational phenomena and informing
evidence-based decision-making and practice.
Incorporating theoretical and conceptual reviews alongside empirical studies is crucial for social
sciences and management sciences researchers to develop a comprehensive understanding of
complex phenomena. Theoretical reviews provide a solid foundation by synthesizing existing
theories, guiding researchers in formulating research questions, and generating hypotheses. By
examining the theoretical underpinnings of a subject, researchers can identify gaps, contradictions,
or emerging trends in the literature, fostering the development and refinement of theories within
their disciplines. Additionally, conceptual reviews enhance clarity by defining key concepts,
constructs, and relationships, facilitating the customization of frameworks to specifi

