E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no5.2024.pg210.228

The Role of ICT in Entrepreneurship Development: Study in Yobe State

Dr. Bukar Jamri and Garba, Muktari


The objective of this research is three-fold: to examine the role of ICT in entrepreneurship development in Yobe State; to identify the challenges faced by Yobe State entrepreneurs in ICT businesses; and to provide solutions to the challenges faced by Yobe State entrepreneurs in ICT businesses. The research adopted the Equilibrium Destruction Theory developed by Joseph Schumpeter (1949). Methodologically, the study adopted a survey research design and the target population of the study were male and female entrepreneurs, computer business owners, telecommunication shop owners, and other businessmen and women who use ICT to advertise products as well as customers who buy products online in Yobe State. The sample size was 150 respondents using a cluster sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data were sourced for this study. For the primary data, quantitative data were collected through the use of the questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in the form of frequency distribution and percentage. The study found that ICT plays multiple roles in entrepreneurship development in Yobe State because entrepreneurs know new businesses through development in ICT; promote existing businesses; perform businesses faster and easier through ICT and get in contact with international business people; and women and men carry out online business transactions remotely. The challenges faced by entrepreneurs in using ICT for their business activities include computer illiteracy among many entrepreneurs; lack of stable and strong internet services; high cost of data services; lack of trust from international business people; threats of hacking, advanced fee fraud among other cyber-attacks, lack of ICT know-how and lack of stable network, etc. The study recommended that: the Yobe State Government should collaborate with development partners to promote computer literacy among entrepreneurs in


Development; Entrepreneurship; ICT; Yobe State


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