E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no5.2024.pg196.209

Cyber Crimes as Emerging Global Threats: Nigerian Context

Mohammed A.N.A. Imam (Ph.D.) and Goni Ibrahim Usman


Cyber crimes as emerging global threats across the globe. The paper aimed to examine the factors that derive individual to engage into the phenomenon of cyber crime as a global threat which has negative effect on populace of the world from internet arena. The emerging trend of cybercrimes have made various people vulnerable especially the internet navies due to the lack of cybercrime knowledge in the society. These emerging cyber threats are committed in on daily basis irrespective of gender, ages, youths and adolescent who are usually perpetrate so-called cybercrime phenomenon. This research depends upon secondary source or desk review data that will be generated via printed materials such as textbooks, book chapters, newspapers, magazines, journal articles, and periodicals, among others. The findings of the study revealed that the advent of social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Tweeter among others have dramatically become an analogy for unique forms of crime in the cyber space which are committed in daily basic. Also the porous nature of the internet give room for criminal minded from open society to cyber world to perpetrate any such of criminal behaviour in the cyber space. The study recommended that, the internet services (ISPs) should monitor suspicious activities of individual’s online and alert relevant law enforcement authorities. Furthermore, the Interpol and other agencies that are responsible for combating cybercrime should censor the use of the social media platform in the global village which will enable to curb criminal minded individuals across the globe.


Cyber Crime, Cyber Defamation, Cyber Stalking, Cyber Hate Speech Cyber Bullying,


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