E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 9 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijefm.v9.no4.2024.pg127.141

Board Sub-Committee Effectiveness and Annual Report Readability of Non –Financial Firms in Nigeria

Mfon Unyime Etuk, Nkanikpo I. Ibok and Eno G. Ukpong


This study examined the effect of board subcommittee and annual report readability of listed non- financial firms in Nigeria. Particularly, this study obtained data from listed non-financial firms in Nigeria from 2013 to 2022. The total population of this study was 109 non-financial firms listed in Nigeria. The study employed a longitudinal research design with a simple filtering technique to select the sample size of 72 firms. A panel regression analysis was employed to analyse data extracted from annual report. The findings of the study showed that board sub-committees’ effectiveness when measured in terms of audit committee financial expertise [coef. = -0.774 (0.012)] had a significant negative effect on the FOG index measure of annual report readability of the listed non-financial firms listed in Nigeria. Board sub-committees’ effectiveness when measured in terms of audit committee independence [coef. = -0.007 (0.480)] has an insignificant negative effect on the FOG index measure of annual report readability of the listed non-financial firms in Nigeria. The study recommends that an increase in the number of board sub-committees will have a minimal impact on the FOG index measure of annual readability, resulting in a slightly more challenging readability of the annual report for listed non-financial firms in selected Sub- Saharan African countries during the study period.


Board Sub-Committee, Annual Report Readability, Non –Financial Firms


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