E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jhsp.v10.no5.2024.pg27.37

Islamic View Point on Magic: A Jurisprudential Analysis

Bawa Dan Muhammad Anka (PhD), Mal. Haliru Abdullahi


Magic as an act of demonstrating of unnatural human quality, is an old practice generally dated back to the time of Prophet Sulaiman (A.S) as authoritatively gathered in the light of some verses from the Glorious Qur’an. The practices continued in the world with a change of pattern from one generation to the other up to our present time. Thus, this paper explains the concept of magic from the Islamic point of view taking into cognisance the views of the Muslim Jurists on its illegality and ruling of Shari‘ah for involving into such evil practice. The paper sheds light on the fact that the Jinn are considered as the principal actors in deluding some Muslims from the right path of Islam into the magical practices for one reason or the other. The paper concludes and proffer recommendations on how best the Muslim should approach their Creator for getting what they are hoping for or protection from any ugly happening.


Islam, Magic, Muslim Jurists, Jinn.


i.Qur’an, 114:1-4
ii.Qur;an, 2:102
iii.M.S Lahami, Al-Ma’ajam al- Mafaharas Li al-Faz al-Qur’an al-Karim, Dar al Ma’arifah,Beirut-Lebanon, P.
iv, 2:102
v. Imam Abu Dawud, Sunan Abu Dawud, (Trans. M.M, al-Sharif), Dar Kutub al-‘ilmiyyah,Beirut Lebanon, Vol. iv,
2008, P.169
vi.W.A. Bali, Sarim al-Battar, Dar bn al-Jawz, al-Qahirah, 2005, P.24
vii. International encyclopedia of the Social Science, np, npp, nd, p.523
viii. Abu Dawud, Op.cit, P. 169
ix. Qur’an, 6:7
x Qur’an, 7:116
xi Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim, Dar bn al-Jawz, al-Qahirah,, 2009, Vol.
xii B.D.M. Anka
xiii Qur’an, 10:76
xiv Qur’an 7: 113-122
xv Qur’an, 1134
xvi Imam Qurtubi, Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam al-Qur’an, Dar al-Hadith, al-Qahirah, Vol.10, P. 259
xvii Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, Dar Bayan al-Arabi. Al-Qahirah, 2008, Vol. 10, P. 259
xviii Ibn Qyyim, Zadd Mi’add, Op.cit. P. 72
xix Imam Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari… P. 372 The remaining six acts are; polytheism, manslaughter, consumption
of usury, devouring orphan’s wealth, fleeing from the battle ground and slander against righteous women
xx A.A. Mundhiri, Targhib wa al-Tarhib, Dar al-Hadith, al-Qahirah, 2009, Vol. 4, P.92

xxi Ibid. P. 95
xxii Qurtubi, Op.cit., Vol.1, P.464
xxiiiAsqalani, Op.cit..Vol. 10. P.255
xxiv Qurtubi, Op,cit. Vol.1., P. 466
xxv They included among others; Abu Hurairah and Ibn Ma’aud ( R.A)
xxvi Among those who punished magicians by death penalty was Umar bn Khattab. Hafasat the wife of the
Prophet (S.A.W) was in support of the magicians by death penalty.
xxvii Ibn Qudama, al-Mughni, Dar al-‘Ilm al-Al Kutab, Saudiya, Vol, 12, P. 106
xxviii A. Hussaini, Fath al-Majid: sharh kitab al-Tawhid, Maktabah al Tajarrayat, Makkah al-Mukarramah, nd,
xxix Al-Nawawi, Op.cit. Tahdhib al-Dalil al-Salih…Op.cit. Vol.4, P. 301
xxx Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah (Trans. France Rosenthal), Rouledge and Kegan Paul, Londo, 1967, P.159
xxxi Qur’an, 7:116
xxxii Qurtubi, Op.cit. Vol.2, P.46
xxxiii Qur’an, 2:102
xxxiv Shaykh Abdullahi bn Fodiyo, Diya’ al-Ta ‘awil, Maktabah al-Burhan, Kano-Nigeria, nd, Vol. 4,, P.301
xxxv Retrieved from, www.Org/gene and sorcery.on 12th May, 2023
xxxvi Ibid.
xxxvii Qur’an, 2:102
xxxviii This does not mean that magic commences after the death of Prophet Sulayman (A.S). Hasnul Basri as
quoted by bn Kathir in his Tafsir stated that magic has been in existence prior to the lifetime of Prophet
Sulayman (S.A)
xxxix Qur’an, 67:5&72:9
xl Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim, Dar bn Jawz, al-Qahirah, 2009, Vol.1, 2009, Vol. 1, P. 301
xli Ibid.
xlii Ibid. P. 211
xliii B.D.M. Anka, op.cit.
xliv Qur’an, 2:102
xlv Imam Razi, Ahkam al-Qur’an, Dar al-Fikr al-Qahirah, Vol.1, P.75
xlvi M.U. Zamkashari, Al-Kasshaf, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut-Lebanon, Vol.1, 2003, P.172
xlvii Qur’an, 2:102
xlviii Imam Malik, Al-Muwatta, (Trans. Y.Y Kathir), Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 2008, Vol.II, P.502
xlix Imam Qurtubi, Op.cit, Vol. 1, P.467
l Ibid.
li Ibid.
lii Qur’an, 2:102
liii Ibn Kahir, Op.cit. Vol.1P.94
liv A.A. Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, Dar Bayan al-Arabi. Al-Qahirah, 2008, Vol. 10, P.271
lv Ibn Kathir, Op.cit. P.218
lvi Imam al-Nawawi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Dar al-Fajr Li al-Turab, al-Qahirah, 2013, P. 398
lvii Imam Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Op.cit. P.32
lviii Asqalani, Opi.cit. P. 271
lix Majmu ‘ah al-Ulama’, Fatawa ‘Ulama ‘ul-Haram, Dar al-Jawz, al-Qahirah, 2010, P. 76



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