E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 8 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no8.2024.pg423.438

Fostering A Positive Work Environment and Team Cohesiveness of Registered Hospitality Sectors in South-South, Nigeria

Okwurume Clarance Nkasirim & Igwe Chinyere Emmanuel (Ph.D)


The research investigated the correlation between work environment and team cohesiveness of registered hospitality sectors in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the cross sectional survey and random sampling techniques to select participants. The study comprised a total target population of 597 workers from 26 registered hospitality sectors in Rivers State. Based on this 234 was statistically selected as the sample size. The likert 4 point scale structured questionnaire was used in the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data after ascertaining the validity and reliability of the data collection. Spearman's Rank Order Correlation was used to test the bivariate hypotheses. The study reveals a strong and positive correlation between the elements of the work environment (working hours, relationship with workers and support from supervisors) and the indicators of team cohesiveness (task coherence and feedback). The study revealed that there is a substantial correlation between the work environment and team cohesion. One of the recommendations from the research is that hospitality sectors in Rivers State should priorities the creation of a conducive working environment to enhance effective team cohesion.


Work Environment, Working Hours, Supervisors’ Support, Team Cohesiveness, Task


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