E-ISSN 2579-0544
P-ISSN 2695-2483
VOL. 9 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/wjeds.v9.no6.2024.pg35.49

Entrepreneurial Student-Centered Learning Ecosystems and Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention in Rwanda A Case of Selected Private Universities in Rwanda

Butera Edison


This study aims to investigate the effect of Entrepreneurial Student-Centered Learning Ecosystems on entrepreneurial intention in Rwanda, focusing on specific public and private universities. The inspiration for this research stemmed from commencement speeches urging graduates to utilize their acquired knowledge and skills to combat high unemployment rates by venturing into entrepreneurship. Reports of National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda shows an increase of unemployment. The researcher seeks to determine whether graduates of private universities in Rwanda possess an inclination towards entrepreneurship. The study evaluated various indicators, including policies, rules, and regulations facilitating student-centered learning and teaching, student-centered curriculum pedagogy, student-centered assessment, learner support, and learning technologies and infrastructure, with Students entrepreneurial intention as the dependent variable. The objectives of the research are to assess the impact of Entrepreneurial Student- Centered Learning Ecosystems on entrepreneurial intention and to examine the influence of each indicator of Entrepreneurial Student-Centered Learning Ecosystems on entrepreneurial intention. The researcher hypothesizes that Entrepreneurial Student-Centered Learning Ecosystems and its individual indicators do not significantly impact entrepreneurial intention in Rwanda. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design, with respondents being graduating students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs at business schools in Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA), University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB) and East African University Rwanda (EAUR). Data was collected through questionnaires from a population consisting of 192 students from the business/management schools of the specified institutions and 35 academic staff from the business/management schools of the specified institutions. Utilizi


Entrepreneurial Student-Centered Learning, Teaching Ecosystems, Entrepreneurial


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