IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 10 NO. 8 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijebm.v10.no8Sept.2024.pg45.66

Effect of Social Media on Business Growth of Selected Private Sector Organization in Nigeria

Nduka, Okwuchi Gospel, Ph.D. Akpan, Ifeyinwa Gift, Nnadi, Chikezie Sunday Onoh Ph.D.


The study evaluated the effect of social media on business growth of selected private sector organization in Nigeria. The specific objectives are to: examine the effect of content creation on diversification and the effect of community building on market expansion of selected private sector organization in Nigeria. The study used the descriptive survey design approach. The primary source of data was the administration of questionnaire. A total population of 321 staff was used. The whole population was used due to small number. 266 staff returned the questionnaire and accurately filled. Data was presented and analyzed using Likert Scale and the hypotheses using Z – test. The findings indicated that Content creation had significant positive effect on product diversification, (SMEs), Z(95, n = 266), 7.756 < 10.331, p. <.05 and Community building had significant positive effect on market expansion of selected private sector organization in Nigeria Z(95, n = 266), 6.622 < 9.749, p. <.05. The study concluded that content creation and community building had significant positive effect on product diversification and market expansion of selected private sector organization in Nigeria. The study recommended among others that marketing department managers should be able to leverage social media in advertising the organization product. Also, employees are required to acquire digital skills that will help them to be relevant in the digital era.


Social Media, Business Growth, Private Sector Organization, community building,


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