E-ISSN 2579-0544
P-ISSN 2695-2483
VOL. 9 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/wjeds.v9.no4.2024.pg110.122

Digital Skills Acquired through Entrepreneurship Education Programme by Business Education Students in Delta State Owned Tertiary Institutions

Prof. William, J. Ubulom¹ Wogboroma Nyemaekile² & Samson, E. Inana³


This study focused on the Assessment of digital skills acquired through Entrepreneurship Education Programme by Business Education Students in Delta State Owned Tertiary Institutions. Two research questions, specific objectives and hypotheses guided the study respectively. Descriptive survey research design was adopted; the population was 821 of Business Education Students with a sample size of 265 in Delta State Tertiary Institutions, using Krechie and Morgan Table for determining a sample of a known population. Self-developed questionnaire of four point rating scale was used and was validated using the opinions of three experts with trial-test on 20 Business Education students of Rivers State University which were not part of the study. Data collected were analyzed using Cronbach’s Alpha and a coefficient value of 0.789 was obtained which signifies the reliability of the instrument. The 265 copies of questionnaire distributed, were correctly filled, retrieved, and used for data analysis. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation were used to analyze data from research question and broaden in respondents views. Inferential statistics of Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA) was used to test the null hypothesis. Findings revealed that Business Education Students acquired digital skills in web design, business analytics, social media management, E-commerce platforms and digital marketing skills through Entrepreneurship Education Programmes in Delta State Tertiary Institutions to a high extent. It was recommended that students should ensure that they go into private certificates programmes in ICTs with root in digital marketing and social media skills for decent works while in tertiary institutions in Delta State. Finally, this study aims to bridge the existing knowledge gap in the field of digital skills acquisition among Business Education students in the context of Entrepreneurship education programmes.


Digital Skills, Skills Acquisition, Business Education, Entrepreneurship Education


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