International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES )

E- ISSN 2489-0081
P- ISSN 2695-1894
VOL. 10 NO. 7 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijaes.v10.no7.2024.pg60.67

Assessment of the Photochemical Properties and Post Harvest Fungi of Xylopia Aethiopica (Negro pepper)

Okogbule, F.N.C., Oladipo, N. O.,Opiah J. N., Akinido C. E, Onuokoro O. E., Martins N. P


Plants have shown to contain diverse organic components in them. The plant species Xylopia aethiopica wasbbo taken to the laboratory in Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State for the preparation of mycological medium, Isolation of fungi using Serial dilution method, determination of percentage Incidence of fungal occurrence.Based on the present study, this phytochemical content in the plant species indicates that the plant is of medicinal values as reported by other researchers,The qualitative screening for phytochemicals revealed that the plants had highest quantity in Phenol (34.51 – 0.72), Flavonoids (14.1 – 2.7), Terpernoid (11.4 – 3.40), Phylate (9.8 – 1.23), Alkanoids (9.65 – 0.75) , Tanin (2.87 – 0.52) and Oxalate (0.57- 0.22) had the lowest quantity in the plant.

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