E-I SSN 2545-5265
P- ISSN 2695-1916
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijccp.v10.no4.2024.pg66.76

Assessment of Some Physiochemical Parameters Concentration in Industrial Effluent Discharge (A Case Study of Orosikri Community in Bonny Island Waterways)

BANIGO, Bismark Osler, UDEME, Aniekan Paul, ABUMERE, Eromosele & ADEBOH, Israel Enefola


This study investigates the concentration of selected physiochemical parameters in industrial effluent discharge in the Orosikri community, Bonny Island waterways. Given the rapid industrialization in Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta region, concerns about the impact of untreated industrial effluents on water quality have grown significantly. This research focuses on analyzing the concentrations of key pollutants, including Nitrate, Barium, Lead, Chromium (VI), Iron, Copper, and Arsenic, in the effluents discharged into the waterways of the Orosikri community. The study employs standard laboratory methods to measure these pollutants and assesses their levels against regulatory standards such as those of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Nigeria's effluent discharge standards. The results reveal that while most parameters, including Nitrate, Barium, Iron, Copper, and Arsenic, fall within acceptable limits, Lead with 0.156 and 0.273 mg/l and Chromium 2.245mg/l and 2.395mg/l concentrations significantly exceed the permissible levels, posing a serious environmental and health hazard. These findings underscore the need for stricter enforcement of effluent treatment regulations to protect the water quality in Bonny Island and its surrounding communities. This research contributes to the understanding of industrial effluent management and its implications for environmental sustainability in the Niger Delta region.


Physiochemical, Wastewater, Water Quality, Effluents and Bonny


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