E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijrcp.v9.no3.2024.pg49.63

Moral Dichotomy Between Christian and Secular Education. A Discourse on Integrity with Reference to Nigeria

Siwoku-Awi, Omotayo Foluke


The phenomenon of globalization has affected conceptions about how the Christian life should be lived. There is a shift in what to believe, who to believe and how to live. Moreover, these are the bases for the issues of Integrity and honour raised at the International Conference on Theological Education, organized by the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary in 2023. The theme of the Conference was “Integrity and Honour in Contemporary Christianity” and it held from 7th to 9th March, 2023. Integrity and honour are concepts upon which human relations are contingent, they determine how we relate to people and how we regard them. The mélange of cultures presently challenges the virtues that were once considered irrevocable absolutes, which Jesus Christ summed up in Matthew 5.48 “be ye perfect, even as your father in heaven is also perfect.” This paper aims at a recourse to practical Christian living and the unflinching obedience to God’s word as the requirement for integrity. Lack of integrity has caused a lot of devastation and loss of lives as in COVID-19, if the conspiracy theory was anything to go by; the present war between Ukraine and Russia or the ongoing genocide in Gaza must have been consequences of lack of integrity; and in like manner issues of lack of integrity have trailed Nigerian politics; international trade; bilateral relations; and governance. It gets bad when funds that are meant for humanitarian purposes are squandered or misappropriated. The objectives of this presentation are to: 1. affirm the inherent lack of integrity in human nature 2. examine that human nature is not compatible with Christian faith so does lack of integrity 3. underscore the fact that the deliberate choice to be like Jesus Christ in all areas of one’s life is the bedrock for a life of integrity 4. highlight that integrity reflects on personal choices that people make and discuss that personal experiences mediate in the demonstra


Moral Dichotomy


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