E-I SSN 2545-5265
P- ISSN 2695-1916
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijccp.v10.no4.2024.pg47.55

Determination of Physicochemical Parameters and Some Heavy Metal Content of Hand Dug Wells in Danja Town, Katsina State

B.B Yusif, M.I Fago, O.A Oyekunle, H. A. Adefisan, F.H Garba and A Antey


Danja is headquarter of Danja Local government area of Katsina state, most of the population depend on hand dug wells as primary source of water for domestic use, as such, there’s a need for a study to be carried out to assess the levels of some physicochemical parameters and some heavy metals in well water that is meant for drinking and domestic purposes. Twenty water samples were randomly collected from different sampling site and were analyzed. The results showed that the total mean Temperature is 29.32±0.213°C, pH 7.37±0.012, Turbidity had a mean level of 1.72±0.173 NTU, the TDS mean levels was 564.4±090.9 mg/l, EC have mean level of 634±34.7?S/cm while DO has mean levels of 5.6±0.203mg/L. All the physicochemical parameters tested are within the permissible limit except EC and Temperature. Heavy metals analyzed include Chromium which is within WHO upper limit except in location 3, Lead is only high in location 3 with (0.056mg/L), Cadmium is within the normal range, Iron is also within permissible limit except at location 6 with (0.42mg/L) while Zinc above limit at location 3 and 6 with (0.32 and 0.47 mg/L) respectively.


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