E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jbgr.v10.no1.2024.pg53.57

Rhesus factor and ABO blood groups distribution among blood donors in the Al-Muthanna governorate

Ahmed A. N. Alfahad


The ABO blood groups distribution was studied and Rhesus in (9900 ) individual of the Samawah, Rumaitha, Al-Warka, Al-Khader, Al-Salman judiciary in the Al-Muthanna governorate. Our research's findings indicated a high incidence of group O (3373) ( 38.07 % ) male and female. Blood group (AB) showed a low incidence (793) (8.01%) male and female. Blood group (A) show higher incidence (3118) (31.49%) male and female. Blood group (B) showed low incidence (2616) (26.42% ) male and female. Rh factors showed higher incidence in this study of (??+??) (9327) (94.2%) comparison with very low incidence of (?????) 573 (5.79%). The distribution ratio was studied (??+??) ratio in (9327) individual males and females, samples showed high incidence in (?+??) ratio as followed (3127) (33.53 %) While (??+??) showed low distribution ratio in all studied samples (766) (8.21 %). Samples showed high ratio in (????) (246) (43.93 %), while showed low ratio in (?????) (27) (4.71 % ). This research was done to determine (Rh) and (ABO) distribution between the whole population of AL Muthanna Governorate.


distribution, ABO, ?????, ??+??, Rh


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