E- ISSN 2489-009X
P- ISSN 2695-1908
VOL. 8 NO. 4 2022
DOI: 10.56201/ijasmt.v8.no4.2022.pg91.101

Ontology -Based Data Integration Methods: Framework for Medical Process

Duru Rosetta Okwuchi., Agbakwuru A. Onyekachi., Amanze Bethran C., Agbasonu V. Chinedum


The research addressed the problems, by having a hybrid of ontologies and virtual data integration in order to enhance medical intelligence process. A hybrid model for enhance medical intelligence process using ontology based and virtual data integration technique were developed. The design provided for a database system for storing medical records, software for enhanced Medical Intelligence Process that would be more user-friendly, flexible, adaptive, intelligent, agile and automatic in integrating and analyzing medical data thereby helping medical practitioners at various levels to make realistic intelligent and real-time decision on critical health issues. Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) were adopted in the design of the system. The system achieved integration of various patients medical records from different hospitals using ontology based and virtual data integration technique that will allow clinic data of one patient collected together to form a Combinational resource, and could be accessed by physician if authority is assigned to the physician


Patients, Medical Records, OOADM, Hospitals


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