E-I SSN 2545-5265
P- ISSN 2695-1916
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijccp.v10.no4.2024.pg21.31

Ecological Risk Factor (E ), Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) and Enrichment factor Ecological Risk Factor (E F ), Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) and Enrichment factor assessment of Selected Heavy Metals in Sediments of Kaani River, Ogoni axis, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Anate, S. Ganiyu ; Momta, P. NukebaBari ; Ndifreke, B. Nde ; Amacha, Mathew


The community's residents have traditionally exploited the fresh water of the Kaani River for home and agricultural uses. Surface sediment samples were taken from four stations: Maa di Binnise Igbara water side (station 1), Mann stream (station 2), Woman stream (station 3), and Nwii ke ma kor stream (station 4). The samples were then digested and subjected to an atomic absorption spectrophotometric method to determine the concentrations of certain heavy metals. The order of metal concentrations were iron (Fe) > zinc (Zn) > lead (Pb) > chromium (Cr) > nickel (Ni) > copper (Cu) > manganese (Mn) > arsenic (As) > cadmium (Cd), according to the obtained data. Fe was [124.981±2.673]mg/kg, Zn was [36.356±1.593]mg/kg, Pb was [7.647±0.081]mg/kg, Cr was [6.361±0.074]mg/kg, Ni was [5.734±0.024]mg/kg, Cu was [5.541±0.071]mg/kg, Mn was [4.000±0.021]mg/kg, As was [0.182±0.002]mg/kg, and Cd was [0.049±0.002] mg/Kg, according to their respective mean values. A few model indices (contamination factor, ecological risk factor, possible ecological risk index, and enrichment factor) were used to further assess the results. The sediments were found to be somewhat contaminated, according to an examination of sediment contamination factors. According to an ecological risk assessment, the metals are safe for the ecosystem at the current quantities. All of the metals, with the exception of Cd in Nwii ke Ma Kor Stream (station 4) and Fe at Mann Stream (station 2), had considerable anthropogenic enrichment at the various stations, according to enrichment factor analysis. Thus, it is important to implement sufficient and ongoing monitoring to stop the introduction of an increased amount of anthropogenic heavy metals into the river.


contaminant, Possible Ecological Risk Index, Ecological Risk Factor, and


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