E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 10 NO. 3 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijcsmt.v10.no3.2024.pg121.146

Development and Validation of The Geometry Achievement Test for Colleges of Education Students

Bashiru Aliyu Gada


The aim of this study was to construct and validate Geometry achievement test for NCE I Students, Four research questions were employed in constructing the study. The design of the study is instrumentation research design. stratified random sampling technique 76 NCE II Students were drawn from the total Population of NCE II Students from Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto. The Form 1 GAT was face- validated in terms of clarity of words and plausibility of distracter by specialist in Educational Measurement and Evaluation and mathematics teachers. The Form II MAT consists of what was administered to 76 Students and their responses were used in determining proportions of Students who showed mastery ability. The findings of this study show that the GAT is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring achievements in mathematics tests. The study recommended that Teachers, researchers and relevant educational agencies should always establish the content validity index of any instrument they develop, for measuring educational achievements in order to ensure the items are valid that is, relevant to the course objective.


Test, Geometry achievement test, development and validation


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