E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no6.2024.pg77.94

Town Unions and Community Development in Ebonyi State: A Case Study of Onicha Local Government

Izunna O. CHUKWU


This research delves into the Town Union's role in community development within Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, emphasizing its significance in propelling national development within the state. With a sample size of 384 respondents determined using the Krejcie and Morgan table method, data was collected through a well-structured questionnaire and oral interviews. Statistical techniques including simple percentages and mean calculations were applied to analyze the data, supplemented by Pearson Correlation and Focus Group Discussions to test research hypotheses. The study uncovered that community development efforts led by the Town Union in Ebonyi State are not significantly deficient. It suggested that with adequate resources and support, Town Unions could serve as effective channels for community development. Recommendations included infrastructure enhancement, advocacy for governmental attention to community needs, job creation for youth, establishment and maintenance of educational facilities, construction of essential infrastructure like roads and markets, facilitation of clean water supply, promotion of agriculture and mining activities, and ensuring peace and security. The research concludes that equipped and empowered Town Unions have the potential to significantly contribute to community development initiatives in Ebonyi State. By undertaking diverse projects aimed at improving infrastructure, socio-economic prospects, and overall well-being, Town Unions can play a crucial role in fostering sustainable development and progress within the region.


Town Union, Development, Community Development and Local Government


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