International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )

E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.v10.no6.2024.pg1.18

Availability of Mobile Port Machines at the Dar Es Salaam Port: Mean Time to Failure and Mean Down Time Data Analysis

Mlelwa Christopher, Eliamini Kassembe and Msabaha Mwendapole


In this study, the objective has been considered to increase the availability of the mobile port machines of the Dar es Salaam port. The research method was inductive, the approach used was both qualitative and quantitative, the type of research used was applied, the level of research was descriptive and explanatory, and finally, the research design used was pre-experimental. The technique for data collection used were literature review, observation, questionnaire survey and documentary compilation, likewise, the instruments used were reports and observation sheets and data record sheets. The techniques for the processing and analysis of the information were used the Microsoft Excel software and Social Science Statistics Package (SPSS) version 26 for the interpretation of data and the elaboration of diagrams. The results of the study identified the availability of mobile port machine is 65%. This implies that the current maintenance approaches have low availability performance. Also all the factors affecting the current mobile machine maintenance strategy in the port of Dar es Salaam were identified. The study identified five factors and their coefficients, including unavailability of spare parts and tools (0.013), downtime caused by the operating environment (0.005), the effective age of equipment (0.002), availability of effective maintenance plans and schedules (0.001) and downtime due to Human resources (0.008). According to these factors, the availability performance found to be 65.16%. In order to improve the availability performance of mobile machines at Dar es Salaam port, it is recommended to adopt a new and effective maintenance management system (Preventive Maintenance Plan) to the Port of Dar es Salaam. It concluded that, through the implementation of a PMP the availability of mobile port machine will increase, although management should provide adequate availability of spare parts and tools, ensure planning and sc


Mobile Port Machine, Availability, Mean Time to Failure and Mean Down Time


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