E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijrcp.v9.no2.2024.pg64.76

An Examination of the Doctrine of Eternal Security in the Context of Cavinist and Arminian Arguments Among Nigerian Christians in the 21ST CENTURY

Isaac Folorunso, OLUWALUSIN, PhD and Ayodele Adeyinka ATOWOJU, Ph.D


The doctrine of Christian Eternal Security promoted by Calvinist and Arminian is not new to the Christian church. It has been in operation since the apostolic age. Many scholars have written about the significance of holiness in Christian living, however, the examination of the arguments of the Calvinists and the Arminians on the doctrine of eternal security, which is the onus of this paper, has not been given adequate attention among Nigerian Christians in the 21st century; this has largely led to many errors and heresies in the church. Eternal security is a doctrine providing believers with absolute assurance of their inevitable final salvation at some points in their lives. The current prevailing form within the church gives the hope for unconditional eternal security being taught in some churches, encouraging Christians to indulge in sin, participate in corrupt practices without any remorse or fear of feeling of guilt. Such Christians; believe that no matter what they do, their salvation is still secure. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Findings show that many Christians are ardent believers in the doctrine of eternal security; furthermore, this has led to gross errors, misconducts, complacency and conformity to worldly practices by some contemporary Christians. In conclusion, this belief is contrary to the teachings of Christian theology which emphasizes the place of holiness and holy living all through life in a faithful relationship with God and attainment of eternal life and that the conditional security and not eternal security doctrine is the only way to eternal life.


Arminian, Calvinist, Conditional Security, Doctrine of Eternal Security,


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