E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jpaswr.v9.no2.2024.pg75.95

E-Governance Adoption and Service Delivery in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Adamawa State, Nigeria

Markus Yohanna Kamale and Zainul Abideen Jibril


This study examines e-governance adoption and service delivery in Tertiary institutions in Adamawa state, Nigeria. E-governance adoption in tertiary institutions is a critical component for enhancing administrative efficiency, transparency, and service delivery. The theoretical underpinning is new public management theory to explain the effect of paradigm shift from traditional administrative approach of governance to a modern approach (e-governance). Data were collected through questionnaire surveys with staff and students through stratified random sampling. While the tool used in statistical analysis are tables, mean, standard deviation, regression and content validity index. The findings reveal indicates a significant influence of e- governance platforms on service delivery in educational institutions within Adamawa State. In spites of the challenges such inadequate power supply, technology infrastructure deficits, insufficient funding, and resistance to change, cyber security concerns, and high internet costs, the study recommended potential strategies for improving e-governance implementation, such as increasing funding, enhancing training programs, and investing in robust technology infrastructure.


E-governance; Service delivery; Tertiary institutions; Adamawa State; Technology


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