E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijcsmt.v10.no2.2024.pg73.100

A Model for Implementation of Transport Logistics Services in Port Harcourt Metropolis

Amadi, Benedicta Oby; Bennett, Emmanuel Okonni, Anireh, Vincent Ike


The logistics and supply chain sector, is one of the fastest growing industries in Nigeria, though still in its nascent stage. As of 2018, the value of Nigeria’s logistics sector was estimated to be 250 billion naira ($696 million), a rise of 50 billion naira ($140 million) from 2017 figures. This study aims to develop an application for the implementation of transport logistics services which will be used in Port Harcourt metropolis, that can enhance logistics operations and provide a competitive advantage for organizations within the study area. The study focuses on designing the logistic management application prototype which was used to implement a transport logistic services system. Based on a comprehensive review of existing literature, case studies, and expert opinions, the model proposed in this study provides a structured approach to implementing transport logistics services, which can assist organizations in reducing operational costs, enhancing customer satisfaction, and improving overall logistics performance. The model proposed in this study can serve as a basis for further research in the area of transport logistics services implementation, and can help organizations to enhance their logistics operations and gain a competitive advantage in today's business environment. Presented here is an all-encompassing framework aimed at facilitating the successful deployment of transport logistics services within the bustling Port Harcourt Metropolis. This model for implementation of Transport Logistics Services is meticulously designed to address the intricate challenges and intricacies inherent in the efficient movement of goods and services. This framework endeavours to optimize transportation processes, enhance supply chain management, and foster seamless coordination among stakeholders. Emphasizing both the operational and strategic aspects, this model emerges as a dynamic solution to minimize delays, and boost overall


Model, Implementation, Transport, logistics, Services


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