E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijcsmt.v10.no2.2024.pg62.72

Progressive Web Apps for An Effective Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Oforji, Jerome Chikwado, Agbakwuru, Alphonsus O., Amanze, Bethran C.


The advent of cross-platform application development frame-works have made it much easier to create applications for multiple platforms for mobile devices. In spite of reduced learning effort, usually lower costs, and a faster time-to-market cross-platform methods always do not prevail in most cases. Although there are normal exclusions – like graphic-intensive games, which should to be programmed with the native software development kits (SDKS), choice between native apps, cross-platform generated ones, and Web apps can remain delicate. Whereas many diverse efforts have been made with respect to how cross-platform development frameworks ought to work, no technology is deemed unequivocally superior than the others. But a cross-platform mobile app have got an edge over native app development. This paper however looks into an effective cross-platform mobile app development using progressive web apps. It also recommends that developers adopt this technology of mobile app development due to its huge gains.


PWAs, Web, App, Android, iOS, Windows, Cross-platform, Native app


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