E-I SSN 2545-5265
P- ISSN 2695-1916
VOL. 10 NO. 3 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijccp.v10.no3.2024.pg1.18
ZUDONU, Onisoman Chuks. Ph.D., ORUAN, Memoye K. Ph.D, OGBU, Magnus Onyemaechi., OSEZUA, K. O., JOHN, Jennifer Peniel and AFOLABI, Blessing Adejoke
This study investigated the accessibility and applicability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among chemistry teachers in secondary schools in Rivers State. This study adopted descriptive survey research design. Using purposive sampling technique to select 81 (45 males and 36 females) chemistry teachers in Rivers State from 76 senior secondary schools as the respondents of this study. Two (2) research questions and three (3) hypotheses guided the study. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three parts. Part A consists of the demography of the participants. Part B was titled “Chemistry Teachers Accessibility of Artificial Intelligence (CTAAI)” and was used to ascertain the level of accessibility of Chemistry teachers to AI resources, while Part C was titled “Chemistry Teachers Perception of Applicability of AI (CTPAAI)” and was used to determine the perception of Chemistry teachers towards AI applicability in the Chemistry classroom. Both A and B parts consist of twelve (12) items giving a total of 24 items structured using four-point modified Likert scale. The research instrument was face and content validated while Kuder-Richerson’s Formula-21 was used to obtain a reliability index of r = 0.87. Data obtained from the administered questionnaire were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, percentage, chart, Pearson product moment correlation and t-test. The results of this study revealed that there is low accessibility of AI resources amongst chemistry teachers in Rivers State and that there are still reservations held by some of the chemistry teachers about the applicability of AI resources in secondary school chemistry classes in Rivers State. The study also shows that a negative relationship exists between chemistry teachers’ accessibility to AI and their perception of applicability of AI, as the correlation returned a correlation coefficient of -0.0635. But the t-test analysis showed no sig
Accessibility, Applicability, Chemistry teacher, Artificial Intelligence.
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