Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024

The Role of Accounting Information System (AIS) to the Accounting Profession for Effective Management of Companies

Iliya, Adamu Musa PhD, Umar Mahdi,


The aim of the research is to identify an appraised the role of accounting information system (AIS) to the accounting profession in the effective management of companies. To the accounting profession especially as it relates to the provision of information by the accountant and role of computer in facilitating the provision to which accountants makes use of it as an information manager. Accounting information system (AIS) is the gathering and processing of raw data for decision making by the management. The population for this study is employees of the Aminu Ibrahim & Co. Chartered Accountants in Kano state the head office of the organization. The population figure for the study was hundred (100) respondents, comprising of the different sector of the organization of Aminu Ibrahim & Co. Chartered Accountant. Sample random sampling technique was used in this study. The sampling size determined for the study was forty (80) employees of the Aminu Ibrahim & Co. Chartered Accountant in Kano office and customers. The study employed a survey research design and for the purpose of this study both primary and secondary source of data were used. The results of the findings shows that critical analyzing and interpreting the data have shown that an appraisal of the role of accounting information identified factors like lack of computer knowledge by some accountants, none computerized operations by some firms are amount others respectively. It was recommended that accountant is therefore advised to be computer literate for effective performance of his duties of providing information needed by management for efficiencies decision making and companies should computerized their operation


Accounting Information System, Relevance, Effective Management


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