Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024

Re-Visiting Apprenticeship in the Nigerian Accounting Profession: A Remedy for Addressing Knowledge Gap and Falling Standard

Eke Chukwuma Nnate, Ekwunife Faith Chinyere, Samuel N. Nwosu


Education in Nigeria has in recent times been on the podium of public discuss as a result of the challenges that are troubling it which calls for urgent solution. It is through that Accounting Education is seen as a professional education, however it has not been able to escape the general and common problems affecting education in the Country. This is so because, it is located with the same environmental standard and it is also subject to same factors undermining other branches of education in the Country. Therefore the output of Accounting education obtained under factors that cause deteriorating condition which are identifiable no doubt will have far reaching effect on the outcome of accounting education. The importance of addressing the problems troubling accounting education is now seen as a critical area of intervention which must be pursued vigorously. Among other possible solution to talking this problem is the suggestion that accounting apprenticeship which is the forgotten part of accounting education must be revisited as a remedy for addressing the falling standard in accounting education in Nigeria.


Apprenticeship, Knowledge Gap, Falling Standard


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